Traditionally associated with ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves penetrating the skin with fine needles in order to stimulate the body’s nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Whilst acupuncture is most commonly used to reduce pain, it has also been known to improve sleep, enhance digestive function and improve general well-being.
Anatomy in Motion
A holistic, movement-based treatment approach revolving around the idea that everything in the human body is connected and interdependent. It therefore focuses on ensuring optimal movement of every joint to prevent breakdowns or imbalances elsewhere.
Biomechanical Assessment
A thorough lower limb functional analysis that examines an individual’s structure and alignment looking for possible abnormalities or movement compensations. This can often identify underlying causes or foot, ankle, knee, hip and even back pain.
Comprehensive video or telephone assessments that allow physiotherapists to assess, diagnose and treat musculoskeletal pain and injury remotely. This is an increasingly popular and convenient option of delivering care for those individuals who cannot attend in person. This can be booked at a time/venue of your convenience and allows for access to our fantastic team from anywhere in the world.
A personalised screening process whereby our physiotherapists would perform a comprehensive full-body analysis to determine any potential future injury risks. This entails a full past medical history screening, injury history and movement assessment.
Lifestyle coaching
A holistic and wide-reaching approach looking at the wider aspects of health to ensure an individual can make positive changes in their day-to-day life. This may include discussing areas such as career aspirations, relationships, personal goals and potential barriers to getting back to what you love.
Manual Therapy/’Hands on therapy’
A cornerstone of physiotherapy, manual therapy encompasses a variety of ‘hands-on’ treatment approaches to treat musculoskeletal pain and injury by improving the general mobility and function of your muscles, tissues and joints. Common manual techniques can include massage, mobilisations, manipulations, cupping, Graston technique and many more.
Physio-Led Personal Training
1-2-1 personal training sessions with an experienced physiotherapist to ensure not only the best possible exercise prescription, but also prevent the re-occurrence of any previous injury or disability. Struggling with a certain movement- we will look at technique, provide guidance, training loading advice and most importantly, make it fun.
Return to Play
A multifaceted and progressive process of returning an injured athlete back to their respective sport having reduced their risk of re-injury. We will look at your injury history, the specific demands of your sport and the components of fitness- mobility, endurance, power, co-ordination, speed and strength. This will incorporate a plan to continue playing your sport, improve your performance and reduce the chance of injuries.
Second Opinion / Consultancy Work
A review of any previous external treatments and/or consultations together with an unbiased and comprehensive reassessment to provide an honest and impartial second opinion on both the diagnosis and all possible treatment options. We will listen to your concerns, expectations and provide a safe space to discuss next steps & options.
Often referred to as deep tissue massage, sports massage benefits any individual engaging in regular exercise of physical activity. Whilst it can be used for general relaxation like remedial massage, it is often used for targeting specific areas of tissue dysfunction.